Made from any leftover Daal, this tasty bread is great with your favorite pickle.

  • Any leftover Daal
  • Wholewheat flour
  • Warm water
  • 1/2 cup vegetable/ canola/ sunflower
    cooking oil or ghee (clarified butter)
  • Salt to taste

  • Cook the Daal on a low flame such that most of its liquid dries up. Stir frequently to ensure it does not burn. Remove from fire and cool.
  • Put the wholewheat flour in a large mixing bowl or platter. Make a well in the centre.
  • Put all the Daal in the well and begin to mix into a dough. Season with salt if required. Add more flour if the dough is too sticky or too soft. Add water only if needed. Knead till you get a smooth, medium-soft dough.
  • Add 2 tbsps of oil now and continue to knead. Once the dough is done, cover with a damp cloth and keep aside in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
  • Divide the dough into equal-sized portions and roll into balls between your hands till they are smooth and without cracks.
  • Very lightly flour a rolling board or clean counter surface and roll each ball into a 7-8" circle. For convenience, roll out as many Parathas as you like, stacking them, ready to cook with a layer of cling film between each Paratha.
  • Heat a griddle and fry the Parathas one at a time like this: Put a Paratha on the griddle. Do the first flip when you see tiny bubbles rise on the surface of the Paratha. As soon as the first flip is done, drizzle a bit of the remaining oil/ghee on the top and spread well over the surface of the Paratha. Flip again in 30 seconds and drizzle oil/ghee on this surface too. The Paratha is done when both sides are crispy and golden brown.
  • Serve hot with your favorite pickle.

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