
JeeraPakhaḷa is made by adding fried cumin with curry leaves with Pakhaḷa.


This is made by adding Curd with pakhaḷa. BadiChura is taken as a side dish with Pakhala.

GaramaPakhaḷa (Hot Pakhaḷa)

This is generally made by adding water instantly after making rice or with warm rice.

BasiPakhaḷa (Basi in Odia means Stale)

This is made by fermenting rice by adding water which is generally kept overnight and eaten in the next day.


Cook rice and allow it to cool (do not freeze).

  • Fry some cumin seed and grind it to fine powder.
  • Add curd and fried cumin seed powder, coriander leaves and salt to taste.
  • Serve it with fish fry and spinach.

Traditional way of preparing Pakhaḷa: Pakhaḷa is slightly fermented rice. people cook rice and add water to it along with little bit of old pakhal (something like making curd using milk and old curd). Pakhaḷa tastes best when served after 8 to 12 hrs after preparation. Generally boiled potato and other fried vegetables or fried fish is served with pakhaḷa. Modern day variation is to add curd instead of fermenting it.

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